
Showing posts from 2011

My macbook

My MacBook gave me problems for the past few weeks. Had to check what's the problem and found out it was the hard drive/disk. Good thing I have a external drive to use. Changed it myself DIY style. Well, it's a bit downgrade since the original drive was a 250gb and changed it to a 150gb. It have to do for the moment. Installing than updating the softwares now.

MacBook on the fritz.

This is happening to my laptop now. Hate it as it is suffering from slowing down and overheating. Need some money to fix this.

Teachers day celebration

Today had a teachers day celebration at school. Nice performance from the kids.


Had a great few days training with Japanese karate players from Japan. Learned some new kata


Today had a walkathon involving primary school teachers. Lots of people and had some fun. Here are some pics.


My mother had a heart operation yesterday. And in the good hands of the doctors and staff there all went well. Later that night family members visit.

New apps

Now my blogging life can get on track with this new blogger app. Ain't gonna miss my blogging time. That is unless the Internet connection holds out.

A few more days

A few more days to go till the end of Ramadan and the end of fasting.

Fasting in Ramadan

The moment is now here where all muslims around the world have to fast in the month of ramadan. My only hope is that my fast for this year will be fullfilling.


having a teachers trainer course on about emailing and blogging. hope everything goes well