
Showing posts from 2010

It has been fun

Just had a good rest today. Since my trip with the group going from mosque to mosque. Even had the chance to visit some ministers.

What a rush

I just found out that the flight to Malacca is on this Sunday and not Monday as I was told before. Darn emergency packing have to be done. And even that I had to find out by myself. Good thing about the Internet.

Movie watching

Gonna bring the misses to see the new movie tomorrow. As a special treat. Well I got the ticket for free anyhow. Hehehe

Hari Raya Aidil Adha

Today is the day. On the Muslim calendar that we celebrate Aidil adha. Or as Bruneians call it, hari raya haji. So selamat hari raya haji bagi semua

Microsoft master trainers

Another day of training for the Master trainers programe, have to warm up the great brain of mine, hehe. Forgot to mention, I got the brand new Ipod Touch!!!

Attending Masters Training

Having fun attending a Microsoft Masters Training on Email thru the govt systems.  Very impressed and excited to have it implemented to all schools in Brunei

One in a lot and lot and lots of years

This month, of october 2010, has an amazing occurance, in which it has 5 fridays, saturdays and sundays. which only happen once in 823 years.....

wow what a coincidence

now i just read something funny on the news, youtube is making a channel calling 'life in a day', same as my blog...hehehhe, now i wonder how many will actually open up this blog.
just had my back tooth pulled out, man the pain was so angonizing. you can say that i prefer to be punched in the face than go thru the pain again

Tech savvy

The iphone and ipod is the in thing nowadays, thinking of getting myself either both


I'm dreaming for an iphone, anyone wanna gv me for free, haha

My new high pressure water pump

argh, i just bought it five days ago, now it suddenly needs repair, they don't build them to last

Its just me having fun on a cold morning

well just installed a new blogging widget just trying it out

Its just

haven't got the mood yet to constantly update my blog, but will try to fill in what i can

updating is slowwwwww

payah jua kan mengupdate blog yg mcm berkurun dh huhuhu

End of PSK 2010

Akhirnya selasai jua event karate. tinggal melayan org Jepun lagi dtg, huhuhu

End of

surprised and yet disappointed as why i can't find the good time to fill up my blog

This day

I 'm feeling kinda weird today. Have been sneezing none stop since waking up at 5 am. Oh yeah, last week Me and the wife took our H1N1 vaccination shot. Since my son just had his MMR injection, his turn would be next month. Its best to be prepared than to be sorry.

Hi yaaa

its been some time since i last filled my blog, 2009 was kinda a blog lazy year for me. hopefully 2010 shall be a productive year..